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How is Illinois addressing road safety and DUI auto accidents?

On Behalf of | Mar 28, 2022 | motor vehicle accidents

In Chicago and throughout Illinois, the roads can be dangerous for drivers, passengers, bicyclists and pedestrians. With the way people are driving today and the list of temptations they have that may remove their focus from where it should be – the road – there is always a chance that a collision will occur. With that will come the possibility of injuries and fatalities. While distraction, reckless driving, exceeding the speed limit and drowsiness are some of the major challenges today, one longtime issue on the road still happens with an alarming frequency: drunk driving. Law enforcement, legislators, activists and automakers are vigilant in trying to prevent this and thereby save lives. Still, it continues to be an issue. Understanding what steps are being taken is important. It is also important to be aware that this will not disappear overnight.

New automobiles will soon need to have tech to detect drunkenness

Federal lawmakers have passed a law that will require automakers to install advanced technology that can determine if a driver is under the influence to prevent drunk driving. Illinois had more than 1,300 fatalities on its roadways in 2021. Nearly half were said to have involved alcohol. The new law is one aspect of the recently passed infrastructure bill. Local people who have been unfortunate enough to have faced injuries and lost loved ones due to impaired drivers have touted the new law as a strategy to make the roads safer from DUI drivers. The technology must be completed and installed within three years giving the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) a relatively short window. By 2026, this must be standard with new vehicles.

Overall auto accident statistics are worrisome

This new law is viewed as a crucial part of safety just as national fatality statistics are getting worse. The National Safety Council recently released its assessment of 2021 and found that there had been a spike of 9% in road fatalities when compared to 2020. More than 46,000 people lost their lives. This coincided with an increase in miles traveled. That was believed to have been due to 2020 having been a down year for travel because of national problems that changed people’s plans, forced them to work from home and created other logistical obstacles. Illinois saw a rise of 18% in fatalities as the numbers increased by more than 200 people from 2020. People are advised to take safety precautions when they head out in any capacity. That includes avoiding distraction, being predictable, wearing safety belts, following speed limits and avoiding intoxicating substances.

After auto accidents, having caring assistance can help with a strategy

Although these strategies are notable, the problem is that even if people are cautious and adhere to all the fundamentals for safety, there is no guarantee that other drivers will do the same. People who have been hurt or lost a loved one in auto accidents will frequently be unsure of where to turn. Seeking guidance can lead to overload when deciding whom to trust. It is wise to discuss the case with local professionals who are established in the community and will look out for the victims’ interests. That includes being hands-on, assessing the case on an individual basis, gathering evidence and moving forward with a comprehensive plan. Calling for assistance is the first step and should be done immediately to decide how to proceed.
